
syndrome symptoms and run-ons

I have Jackass (mostly Steve-O) , Z-Boys (mostly Jay Adams) and furry leopard print items obsession. Probably because I'm reading this book on psychology that talks about drug/alcohol addiction (which explains the Steve-O and Jay Adams part, also the post title...), and I ALSO learned how to (really terribly) skateboard! The leopard print thing is just cause I'm sorta an old crazy lady who ought to be wearing leopard print muumuus while drinking and making weird art projects and (leopard print) clothes for her (leopard print) cats. GRAY GARDENS IS MY CALLING


  1. we have to skateboard together!!
    and oh my god that is SUCH a complement (about the blonde girl with the white dress thing) And i also saw a trailer for jackass 3 yesterday and even though i thought it looked funny i was totally wondering like how fucked up they actually were you know?
    anyways I like leopard print but I've been trying to decide whether these were ugly, or really cool. Either way I probably wouldn't get them, I just need to label them as something you know?


  2. oh, i love leopard print....i dont buy it too much as i had a vintage jacket with it and my family called me fran vine (which is kinda complementry) and teased me.
    but those boots are insanely awesome.

  3. in regards to the leopard shoes:


    lol, i mean you would obviously know the difference but anyone else would just be like, "oh awesome shoes" you know?

  4. wait meant to post this:


    but i think it's the same link.......anyways i was trying to show you the leopard shoes....
